Monday, August 4, 2008

Barack Obama Says the Economy Stinks

The Economy Stinks for Too Many Americans

Only 1% of Americans are Doing Well!

Barack Obama hears a lot of comments as he travels around the country.

People in his town meetings let me know what they are experiencing. And a lot of people are experiencing hard times.

Barack commented on the state of the economy by saying, "You know, as I travel around the country, what I'm absolutely convinced of is that people recognize that if only 1% of the population is doing well, when we've got wage and incomes for the average worker actually going down during a period of economic expansion, much less economic recession, that something's being mismanaged. And they want a different approach."

Obama is absolutely right. People's wages are not keeping up with expenses. Gas prices are sky high. The cost of everything is going up. But, in all likelihood, your wages are not keeping pace.

What can you do?

Obviously, you need to make more money.

One way to make more money is Internet Marketing. But, most people who try online marketing fail. The reason is simple: They don't build a list.

So, if you are interested in learning to do Internet marketing right, Bob Sherman can help.

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